Author - admin

HomeCare Innovation places nursing beds in Dedemsvaart

Last week HomeCare Innovation had the opportunity to test a new innovative stand up bed in nursing home Dedemsvaart with the residents. Tester Henk Ettema can be seen in a video that the Mobilia stand-up-bed type Casa in the nursing home has been demonstrated by HomeCare Innovation employee Marco Brabers. You can see how the nursing bed makes a transition from the lying position to a sitting position right next to the bed thanks to the...


HomeCare Innovation at the 2018 support fair

Certainly, HomeCare Innovation was also present again this year at the Supportbeurs 2018 in Utrecht. The fair is over and we would like to look back on it. The Supportbeurs is a biannual exhibition especially for everyone with a mobility limitation, here new innovative solutions are presented by different exhibitors.